Documentum or Alfresco – HPI 2.3 Now Available for TSG Clients

TSG is happy to announce that the HPI 2.3 release is now available to TSG clients on Documentum or Alfresco.  The 2.3 release includes many new features driven by TSG client projects.  This post will describe the significant updates (with Video) including Redaction, Cloud Link Ingestion, Cloud Attachment Send and Periodic Review.

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Documentum or Alfresco – Redacting Sensitive Information with OpenRedact

As more business processes are being automated for storing and working with documents in ECM repositories, many companies are encountering a need to redact sensitive information in these documents. Solutions exist for doing the redaction such as Brava and Redact-it, but these solutions are expensive and difficult to support. TSG is proud to introduce OpenRedact, an open source web-based redaction tool for redacting sensitive information on documents stored in Documentum or Alfresco. Continue reading